
Here are my personal and professional projects.

Pair Pro

Pair Pro

Pair Pro is a web app service that allows you to find people to pair program with people around the world.


  • Create & manage your own room.
  • Add people to your room.
  • Video & Audio calls.
  • Screen sharing & recording.
  • Search rooms by name & tag
  • Light & Dark mode.

Next.js 14TypeScriptTailwindCSSShadcn-uigetStream.ioClerk AuthDrizzleORMPostgresNeon Tech

Next Carpet Cleaning

Next Carpet Cleaning

Next Carpet Cleaning is the backend portion of a Australian based carpet cleaning company website.


  • Authentication & Authorization
  • User Management
  • Website content management
  • Bookings




Chatterlify is a fullstack realtime chat app allowing you to send texts and images, create groups and join groups. You can also delete conversations. Built with Next.js, Shadcn UI, and Pusher.


  • Create & manage your own profile.
  • Real time chat conversation with available users.
  • Create groups & have group chats.
  • Send text & images
  • Remove conversation.
  • Dark & Light mode.

Next.js 14TypeScriptTailwindCSSShadcn UIZodPusherNextAuthMongoDBPrismaORM



CCIS is an ERP software for a government institution. I have created the frontend portion of this project.


  • Role based access control
  • User & firm management
  • Inventory management
  • Ledger management
  • Vouchers & invoices
  • Reports

React.jsTailwindCSSJavasScriptMaterial UIAxiosReact Query

Unable to provide any resource due to company restrictions.

Scribble Sphere

Scribble Sphere

Scribble Sphere is a fullstack application allowing you to write articles, manage your articles, read others articles. Built with MERN stack.


  • Create & manage your own profile.
  • Write & manage your articles.
  • Read others articles.
  • Dark & Light mode.
  • Responsive UI

JavascriptReact.jsRedux ToolkitNode.jsExpress.jsMongoDBMongooseJWTQuill Text Editor

Youtube Clone

Youtube Clone

This is a Youtube clone built with React.js. I build this project when I was learning React. Built with Pexels API, this is a basic youtube clone.


  • Search videos by name
  • Infinite scrolling
  • Responsive UI
  • Shorts
  • Video player

React.jsJavascriptPexels API

Typing Test

Typing Test

Typing Test is a application to measure you typing speed. Built with vanilla JS as a personal challenge.


  • Live text tracking of correct and incorrect keystrokes
  • Measure your typing speed
  • WPM, accuracy, keystrokes
