I'm Prakash.

Hello! I'm Prakash Banjade, an aspiring and enthusiastic web developer with a strong foundation in both frontend and backend development. Born on February 19, 2003, in Butwal, Nepal, I am currently a BSc. CSIT student and a full-time backend developer at ARIBT. My journey in web development has been fueled by a relentless passion for learning and innovation, constantly seeking to embrace new technologies, including my current focus on DevOps.

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My Journey in Web Development

My fascination with programming began in the 7th grade when I first encountered QBASIC and HTML. Despite the lack of internet access, I cultivated my skills through books, laying a strong foundation in programming with QBASIC. By the 11th grade, my curiosity led me to CSS, where I dove deep into creating visually appealing websites using HTML and CSS.

In the 12th grade, I ventured into JavaScript, developing numerous mini-projects that showcased my growing skills. The first year of my bachelor's studies introduced me to the world of JavaScript frameworks, particularly React, which I found to be a revolutionary tool in web development. My second year expanded my knowledge further as I mastered the MERN stack, Next.js, and other cutting-edge development tools.

My Inspiration

My only idol in the tech world is Mr. Shiva Pandey, a former full-stack developer at Meta and currently the Director of Engineering at Unravel Carbon. Mr. Pandey, who introduced me to QBASIC and the fundamentals of programming, has been a significant influence on my journey. His practical knowledge and teaching ignited my love for programming, and to this day, I haven't found a mentor as impactful as him.

My future targets

Probably I will dive in blockchain technologies or dive deep into cloud computing architecture.

Personal Interests

When I'm not coding, I enjoy playing table tennis, indulging in video games, and watching movies. These hobbies provide a perfect balance to my life, keeping me refreshed and motivated.

Thank you for visiting my portfolio. Feel free to explore my projects and connect with me to discuss web development, new technologies, or any exciting opportunities!