Hello, I am
Prakash Banjade

Full stack web developer

On the way to master DevOps



Scribble Sphere

Scribble Sphere

Youtube Clone

Youtube Clone

Scribble Sphere

Scribble Sphere

Scribble Sphere

Scribble Sphere

Watch Me

Watch Me

Watch Me

Watch Me



Typing Test

Typing Test





Next Carpet Cleaning

Next Carpet Cleaning

Pair Pro

Pair Pro

Pair Pro

Pair Pro

Watch Me

Watch Me

Prakash Banjade (Me)
Prakash Banjade

Learn about me

About Me

I am a passionate web developer with expertise in both front-end and back-end technologies. Currently pursuing a BSc in CSIT, I combine my academic knowledge with practical experience as a full-stack developer at HUB IT. My skill set includes creating dynamic, user-friendly web applications and robust server-side solutions. I am dedicated to continuous learning and innovation in the tech field.

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My Skills

My tech stack

Crafting seamless, responsive user interfaces with React and Next.js, and building robust, scalable server-side applications with Node and NestJS.

I write code in JavaScript.

frontend developer

With an eye for detail and a passion for user experience, I craft intuitive interfaces that captivate and engage.

Technologies and Frameworks

HTML, CSS, JS, TS, Tailwind, React, Next.js

Libraries and Tools

  • Shadcn UI
  • Material UI
  • Zod with React Hook Form
  • Redux
  • Custom Hooks
  • React Query

backend developer

I architect robust and scalable backend systems, ensuring seamless functionality and optimal performance at every turn.

Technologies and Frameworks

Node, Express, NestJS, MongoDB, Postgres, MySQL

Libraries and Tools

  • TypeORM
  • Prisma
  • Class Validator
  • Swagger
  • JWT
  • Zod


As a fullstack developer, lacking DevOps knowledge is a significant gap. So, I just started learning DevOps.


  • Git
  • GitHub
  • Linux CLI
  • Docker
  • Docker Compose

Recent Projects

My latest works

Pair Pro

Pair Pro is a web app service that allows you to find people to pair program with people around the world.

Pair Pro
Next Carpet Cleaning

Next Carpet Cleaning is the backend portion of a Australian based carpet cleaning company website.

Next Carpet Cleaning

Chatterlify is a fullstack realtime chat app allowing you to send texts and images, create groups and join groups. You can also delete conversations. Built with Next.js, Shadcn UI, and Pusher.

View All Projects
Prakash Banjade

I am open for new opportunities

I am always looking for new opportunities. Feel free to reach out!